Why I Started Playing Around With Cameras

When I first started learning photography, I did not have a clue of what I was getting myself into. I am naturally very impatient, which is definitely the by-product of growing up in a fast-paced city where a lot of emphasis is placed on efficiency.


We experience life in a continuous video form, and have very limited memory. When we recall our memories, images are usually very fuzzy. Seems like we humans often remember the strong emotions more than the actual details of the situation.


I wanted to learn photography to capture the moment, to capture single frames in the continuous long form video that I am living in. And by learning to capture the moment, it helps me to slow down – slow down my life, slow down my footsteps, and start focusing on living the moment.


But boy oh boy, just to grasp the basics of photography, I did not expect to have to churn through hundreds of videos and read through so many websites. Not to mention the amount of $$$ I had to spend before I even had a preliminary understanding of camera systems.


I am going to use this space to consolidate and document my learnings, and hopefully this will help cut short someone’s learning curve or provide an alternative perspective.


If you have read this till here, hello and welcome to my space! Look forward to connecting and learning together😊